“Thank you for the beautifully written book. After reading it I decided my granddaughter who is teaching English as a second language in Kesinchw City in Taiwan Republic of China would find it very helpful.” Elaine

"I enjoyed the book. I could identify with what you were talking about." Anonymous 

Mary Olea Lesher is a force for love, joy, healing and creativity in the world, and she lives her life exactly as she writes. In other words, she is authentic. I know this because I have had the privilege of knowing her for over twenty years. And every time I see her, she gives me a gift. It might be her latest CD of self-written music, a helpful encouragement or compliment or the gift of her amazingly positive energy. This time, it was her new book which reveals the secrets of her joy and passion for music and teaching. But more than this, her book gave me tools to become more self-aware, how to find my gifts and create the matrix to bring those gifts into the world. Self awareness, Master Control Room, Self-Efficacy, Language mediation scaffold; these are some of the concepts in this small but powerful volume that can open the door of your life to unlimited possibilities! I hope that you will get to know Mary through her book Return to the Soul of Your Child, and that her words will affect you as powerfully as they have me. ~Randal C. Johnson D.C.

Ms. Lesher has produced a gently scathing critique/analysis of what is probably the leading social concern of global societies in our time. She also provides specific suggestions as to how to deal effectively with a major pervasive failing in many of our families, our schools, our media, and throughout so many modern cultures. In Return to the Soul of a Child, Ms. Lesher coins the appropriate term “Diminishment Speak”, for a phenomena of damages caused to individuals by the destructive negative language to which so many children and adults are exposed. This astounding book is a unique combination of a sociological analysis and a down to earth self help/advice book that will appeal to parents, teachers, pastors, psychologists, counselors, and people in the helping professions. I personally found many new ideas for healing and personal re-creation of a more adventuresome self, and expressing my gifts. It is a much needed reminder of some old time honored ideas, presented as a medley combined with new specific methods of healing and reaching our true and best selves. After reading Ms. Lesher’s delightful book, I am recommitted at age 70 to heal old hurts, to release old intentions, and to continue to find and express my innate gifts.
~Judith Oldham, Retired Teacher

I found “Return to the Soul of Your Child” to be very helpful in overcoming much of the negative influences of my childhood. I discovered the many ways in which the destructive language I was exposed to as a young person has negatively affected my adult relationships. More importantly, I discovered concrete methods in which I might strive to heal some of the damage I experienced way back then. After reading this book, I feel more hopeful that I can still overcome the early programming that has been holding me back in so many aspects of my life. I feel motivated to move forward, with new tools, into a new, more rewarding future. Thank you, Mrs. Lesher  ~Chris Scott, Network Engineer

What readers say:

Mary Olea Lesher – Author/Singer
I was born in 1948 and was an unremarkable child. I married very young and with my husband of 46 years raised a family.

I bumped into my musical gift by chance. My gifts were not recognized when I was young!
Every life experience, every personal habit you have acquired over time. As years fly by, acquired patterns, habits seem to have a life of their own. They become deeply embedded. Look at your personal matrix and observe it without judgment. You are who you are because…? Numerous reasons surround the mystery of who you are. They are yours to discover!

Return to the Soul of Your Child

Music drove me to school to study it! I learned to read music in my 30′s. My CD’s bear testimony to a gift that I love to share! My book is a call to action. It is also an invitation to empower yourself to find and cultivate your inner, undiscovered gifts! We all have gifts of spirit that we can find, cultivate and share!

I became a teacher at the age of 50 years old! I obtained my master’s degree in education at the age of 60! I retired from public school teaching at the age of 62! My book is based on my master’s study of Support of Student Self-Efficacy In The Public School Classroom – Mary Olea Lesher 2008. 

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Bonuses include:

2 original songs written and performed & recorded by 
Mary Olea Lesher

1. Shadow Man
2. Little Boys
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The purpose of this book is to share eye-opening, potentially inspiring insights. Key and crucial insights that may guide the reader to the greatest of all gifts, which, in this case, is finding your life’s purpose. Sometimes, we have life experiences that set our lives on other purposes other than our true purpose in life.

The reason behind the need for this book is clear: simply put, sometimes, we just have life experiences that set our lives on other purposes other than our true purpose in life. This, of course, can lead to frustration, despair, depression, and addiction to all types of self-numbing actions and or substances. Thus, finding that ultimate life-enlivening soul purpose is part of the great mystery of life.

There are many routes to one’s purpose. There are many ways to find your purpose. Return to the Soul of Your Child is just one of them. In my case, I found a gift that was in me and I bumped into that purpose, almost as if it had been looking for me and had finally caught me. To embrace that life-giving purpose, I had to learn to look at myself differently from the way I had been “personally formatted” by my life experiences. I am a new person from the person formally noted as unmusical. I am a musician, and it brings great joy to my life to share my music. I have had a lot of joy with my “gift,” and I know in my heart there are many other people—women, men, girls, and boys—who have gifts that they might find if I share my story.
To become aware of one’s personal matrix of conditioned
responses may give you more compassion 
towards the human experience and condition. 
It may allow the observer to be free from judgments.

What has made you who you are?

We are all matrixes of conditioned responses:

Get over yourself.
         Get over everyone else.
                       Have no attachments to outcome.
                              Stand free mentally in space and time.

Mary's book gave me tools to become more self-aware, how to find my gifts and create the matrix to bring those gifts into the world. ~Randal C. Johnson